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This will be our first week with a hybrid online/in person service!

CLICK HERE to be directed to the YouTube livestream. You should be able to watch the above video here on our website.  However, if you’d like to participate in the YouTube chat during the service, you must go to YouTube via the CLICK HERE link above

CLICK HERE for the bulletin and music!

Video will go live at 10:15 am.

Some Tips for Worshipping Online:
1) We have attached this Sunday’s order of worship and the words of the hymns and invite you to follow along with us.
2) We suggest having a candle and lighting it at the start of worship when the acolyte does.
3) To pass the peace, send messages via text or social media to your friends. You can also use the comment thread on YouTube.
4) Have the Biblical text in front of you to follow along in the reading.

CLICK HERE to reach our online giving page.


421 South 36th Street, Omaha Nebraska, 68131
(Located at the corner of 36th and Harney Streets)






First Central Congregational Church