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On Friday, March 31 over sixty folks gathered from throughout the region at First Central for the first ever WISE for Mental Health Conference sponsored by the United Church of Christ Mental Health Network.

Katie Miller led the opening worship.  Scott Jones welcome attendees with stories about First Central and Omaha and the WiFi password.  Alan Johnson, Chair of the UCC Mental Health Network, introduced the conference.

Sarah Griffith Lund, Vice President for Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis and author of  Blessed are the Crazy: Breaking the Silence about Mental Illness, Family and Church, delivered the keynote address “Breaking the Silence About Mental Illness in our Congregations, in our Families, and in Ourselves.”
Eight core groups spread throughout the building and engaged in more intimate conversations sharing people’s personal stories and why they were there.
Kerrie Kleppin-Winn organized a group of volunteers who assisted with registration and preparing lunch. Exhibitors included Urban Abbey bookstore, NAMI Omaha, and the UCC Mental Health Network.
Afternoon workshops covered topics such as suicide prevention, practical steps to becoming a WISE congregation, starting a support group, and how to help congregants with a mental illness.
In the closing session Alan led the group in brainstorming action steps and Katie led in singing and praying.
Thank you to the many people who assisted with preparations, set-up, cooking, hosting, and cleaning up.


421 South 36th Street, Omaha Nebraska, 68131
(Located at the corner of 36th and Harney Streets)






First Central Congregational Church