Scott’s Column: To Be More . . . by Rev. Dr. E. Scott Jones | Mar 2, 2020 | NewsIn Sunday's sermon I shared the inspiration for our Lenten theme To Be More . . . I've posted the story here as well. Last April I was in Sioux Falls, South Dakota at...
Scott’s Column: American Muslim Institute Visit by Rev. Dr. E. Scott Jones | Feb 19, 2020 | NewsSunday, before our Confirmation class visited the American Muslim Institute, we were eating lunch and discussing why our confirmation class visits other faith...
Katie’s Musings – The Underbelly by Kerrie Kleppin-Winn | Feb 11, 2020 | EventsSo recently when sleep was eluding me, I fell down the YouTube rabbit hole and landed on a channel called Soft White Underbelly. A photographer named Mark Laita goes...
Mayflower 400 by Kerrie Kleppin-Winn | Feb 5, 2020 | Education, NewsMayflower 400 2020 is the 400th anniversary of the voyage of the Mayflower and the establishment of Plymouth Colony. A key moment in our history as...
Guest Columnist – The 1% In All of Us by Kerrie Kleppin-Winn | Jan 29, 2020 | NewsThe following appeared on Nancy Northcutt's Facebook page the day of Joan Eddy's funeral, and is used with Nancy's permission. The 1% in All of Us I had one...
State of the Church 2020 by Rev. Dr. E. Scott Jones | Jan 27, 2020 | NewsAt yesterday's Annual Meeting, Senior Minister Scott Jones delivered his annual "State of the Church" address. This being my tenth Annual Meeting as your Senior...
An Interview With… Laura Mitchell, Moderator-Elect by Kerrie Kleppin-Winn | Jan 23, 2020 | Interview With . . .Laura will be taking over as Moderator after Sunday’s annual meeting, so we thought you all might like to get to know her a little better. Kerrie: Thanks...
Scott’s Column: Ideas by Rev. Dr. E. Scott Jones | Jan 6, 2020 | NewsThe second column in my series on what I read in 2019. Here's the first one on books about history. A good place to begin this year was Julian Baggini's How the World...
Can You Resolve to TAGG-ing More in the New Year? by Kerrie Kleppin-Winn | Jan 2, 2020 | NewsIn case you have ever wanted to try the TAGG app, or if you've tried and not been successful and have given up, here's a handy little tutorial to help you start earning...
Just My Thoughts… ‘Tis The Season by Kerrie Kleppin-Winn | Dec 18, 2019 | EventsEarly in the hours of Thanksgiving morning my favorite Uncle died. Now, lest you think this is going to be a sad commentary amidst the JOY of advent, let me clarify. ...